This site will be based primarily on the manga version of Yu Yu Hakusho. Partially because it's the original version, "canon", and all that jazz, but largely because that's actually the version I'm most familiar with. But I want to later take a detailed look at how the manga version of the series compares to the TV show, and I also realize that most people are probably most familiar with the show. So with all that in mind, I'm starting things off here with a guide to the manga, to give an overview of what the original version of the series.
For each chapter, I'll give the title in Japanese (with romanization) and my own translation, followed by page number (with number of color pages indicated, if any), the issue of Weekly Jump it originally came out in (Jump issue courtesy of Hunter Mix and Jump release dates from Kanzentai), the equivalent anime episode(s) and when they aired, and a brief chapter summary. Color chapters are marked with *, and chapters not adapted for the anime are marked with (M). With regard to the chapter title romanization, the titles aren't printed with furigana (at least not in the kanzenban release of the manga), so in the case of words with multiple likely readings I just had to make my best guess. But the words in the title are often used in the actual chapter dialogue, which does have furigana, so in such cases that's what I went with.
To help break things up, I've divided the series into four main story arcs, the ones fans typically use (Spirit World Detective, Dark Tournament, Sensui, and Demon World Tournament). I've then further subdivided these into smaller mini-arcs, some of which are fairly logical (Yusuke's quest to return to life, Genkai's tournament), and others are more arbitrary (Genkai vs Toguro and the other stuff between the semi-finals and finals of the Dark Tournament). For each arc and mini-arc, I've listed the total number of chapters, the equivalent anime episodes, and noted the ratio of manga chapters to anime episodes.
Anywhere, the guide seems to be too big for a single post, so I'm breaking it up by story arc. Index with links to each part after the jump:
Anywhere, the guide seems to be too big for a single post, so I'm breaking it up by story arc. Index with links to each part after the jump:
Chapters: 1-17 (17 chapters)
Equivalent episodes: 1-5 (5 episodes)
Ratio: 3.4 chapters per episode
Chapters: 18-24 (7 chapters)
Equivalent episodes: 6-8 (3 episodes)
Ratio: 2.34 chapters an episode
Chapters: 25-32 (8 chapters)
Equivalent episodes: 9-13 (5 episodes)
Ratio: 1.6 chapters per episode
Chapters: 33-44 (12 chapters)
Equivalent episodes: 14-21 (8 episodes)
Ratio: 1.5 chapters per episode
Chapters: 45-50 (6 chapters); chapter 45 not adapted
Equivalent episodes: 22-25 (4 episodes)
Ratio: 1.5 chapters per episode (1.25, leaving out chapter 45)
Chapters: 51-60 (10 chapters)
Equivalent episodes: 26-32 (7 episodes)
Ratio: 1.43 chapters per episode
Chapters: 61-65 (5 chapters)
Equivalent episodes: 33-36 (4 episodes)
Ratio: 1.25 chapters per episode
Chapters: 66-74 (9 chapters)
Equivalent episodes: 37-42 (6 episodes)
Ratio: 1.5 chapters per episode
Chapters: 75-87 (13 chapters)
Equivalent episodes: 43-50 (8 episodes)
Ratio: 1.63 chapters per episode
Chapters: 88-93 (6 chapters)
Equivalent episodes: 51-53 (3 episodes)
Ratio: 2 chapters per episode
Chapters: 94-112 (19 chapters)
Equivalent episodes: 54-66 (13 episodes)
Ratio: 1.46 chapters per episode
Chapters: 113-119 (7 chapters)
Equivalent episodes: 67-71 (5 episodes)
Ratio: 1.4 chapters per episode
Chapters: 120-126 (7 chapters)
Equivalent episodes: 72-76 (5 episodes)
Ratio: 1.4 chapters per episode
Chapters: 127-138 (12 chapters)
Equivalent episodes: 77-84 (8 episodes)
Ratio: 1.5 chapters per episode
Chapters: 139-153 (15 chapters)
Equivalent episodes: 85-94 (10 episodes)
Ratio: 1.5 chapters per episode
Chapters: 154-163 (10 chapters)
Equivalent episodes: 95-103 (9 episodes)
Ratio: 1.11 chapters per episode
Chapters: 164-169 (6 chapters)
Equivalent episodes: 104-111 (8 episodes)
Ratio: 0.75 chapters per episode
Chapters: 170-175 (6 chapters); chapters 171-174 not directly adapted
Equivalent episodes: 112 (1 episode)
Ratio: 6 chapters per episode (2, not counting 171-174)
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