Chapters: 94-112 (19 chapters)
Equivalent episodes: 54-66 (13 episodes)
Ratio: 1.46 chapters per episode
Chapter info after the jump.
ルールの壁!! (Ruuru no Kabe!!)
The Rules are in the Way!!
Pages: 20 (3 limited color palette, 17 black and white)
Published: WSJ #47, 1992 (November 9)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 54 (October 30, 1993)
Summary: The finals begin. Sakyo is the 5th member of Toguro’s team, and Koenma replaces Genkai on Yusuke’s team. Kurama and Karasu will fight first.
見えない技!! (Mienai Waza!!)
Invisible Techniques!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #48, 1992 (November 16)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 55 (November 6, 1993)
Summary: Karasu reveals his bomb-controlling powers and outclasses Kurama, who returns to his Yoko form just in time.
秘技応酬!! (Higi Oushuu!!)
An Exchange of Secret Techniques!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #49, 1992 (November 23)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 55 (November 6, 1993), episode 56 (November 13, 1993)
Summary: Yoko Kurama overwhelms Karasu, who transforms into a stronger, blonde form. Meanwhile, Kurama unexpectedly reverts to his weaker human form.
身を捨てて…!! (Mi wo Sutete…!!)
Sacrificing Himself…!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #50, 1992 (November 30)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 56 (November 13, 1993)
Summary: With his last strength, Kurama summons a blood-sucking plant, killing Karasu. Kurama only survives because his human form has gained some of his Yoko power.
鎧の理由!! (Yoroi no Riyuu!!)
The Reason for the Armor!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #51, 1992 (December 7)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 57 (November 20, 1993)
Summary: Kurama is judged to have actually lost by ring-out. Hiei fights Bui, who removes his armor to use his true strength. Hiei prepares to fire the Koku-Ryu-Ha.
喰うか喰われるか!! (Kuu ka Kuwareru ka!!)
Eat, or Be Eaten?!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #52, 1992 (December 14)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 58 (November 27, 1993)
Summary: Bui deflects the Koku-Ryu-Ha, which eats Hiei. Hiei absorbs its energy, powering up and overwhelming Bui. He then enters a deep sleep as a side effect of the technique.
桑原切れた!! (Kuwabara Kireta!!)
Kuwabara Cuts Loose!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #1, 1993 (December 21, 1992)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 59 (December 4, 1993)
Summary: Hiei awakens in time for the fight between Kuwabara and Toguro’s older brother. Elder Toguro reveals Genkai’s death. Furious, Kuwabara begins his counterattack.
戸愚呂兄全開!! (Toguro-Ani Zenkai!!)
Elder Toguro Goes All-Out!!
Pages: 20 (4 full color, 16 limited color palette)
Published: WSJ #2, 1993 (December 28, 1992)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 59 (December 4, 1993), episode 60 (December 11, 1993)
Summary: Elder Toguro keeps regenerating, so Kuwabara blows him to pieces. He confronts Yusuke for keeping Genkai’s death secret. Yusuke prepares to fight Younger Toguro.
左京の提案!! (Sakyou no Tei’an!!)
Sakyo’s Proposal!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #3-4, 1993 (January 4)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 60 (December 11, 1993)
Summary: The score 2-1, Sakyo and Koenma bet their lives on Yusuke and Toguro’s match. Elder Toguro reappears to aid his brother, who instead sends him flying off the island.
決定戦開始!! (Kettei-Sen Kaishi!!)
The Deciding Match Commences!!
Pages: 19 (2 limited color palette, 17 black and white)
Published: WSJ #5-6, 1993 (January 18)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 61 (December 18, 1993)
Summary: Toguro (at 80% power) and Yusuke warm up. Yusuke prepares to fire his Spirit Gun, and everyone wonders how much stronger he’s gotten since his ordeal.
通用しない!? (Tsuuyou Shinai!?)
No Effect!?
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #7, 1992 (February 1)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 61 (December 18, 1993)
Summary: Yusuke hits Toguro point-blank with his Spirit Gun, but it does no damage. Disappointed, Toguro says he’ll finish things at only 80% power.
封印を解け!! (Fuu’in wo Toke!!)
Release the Seal!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #8, 1993 (February 8)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 62 (January 8, 1994)
Summary: Yusuke removes spiritual shackles Genkai gave him, unleashing his full power. Overwhelmed, Toguro starts to power up to 100%.
危機感が足りない? (Kiki-Kan ga Tarinai!!)
Lacking a Sense of Danger?
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #9, 1993 (February 15)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 62 (January 8, 1994)
Summary: At 100% power, Toguro hurts Yusuke with finger-flicks and deflects the Spirit Gun with a yell. He asks if Yusuke still thinks he will survive.
怒りの不足!! (Ikari no Fusoku!!)
Not Enough Anger!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #10, 1993 (February 22)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 63(January 15, 1994)
Summary: Toguro’s 100% power endangers the panicked crowd, who turn on him. Toguro says Yusuke isn’t angry enough, and threatens his family and friends. Genkai’s spirit possesses Puu.
限界への試練!! (Genkai he no Shiren!!)
A Trial to the Limits!!
Pages: 21 (4 full color, 17 limited color palette)
Published: WSJ #11, 1993 (March 1)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 63(January 15, 1994)
Summary: Genkai/Puu says that if Toguro wants to see Yusuke’s true power, he should kill one of his friends. He wounds Kuwabara, and Yusuke’s power and emotions explode.
決定的な違い!! (Kettei-teki-na Chigai!!)
A Decisive Difference!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #12, 1993 (March 8)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 64 (January 22, 1994)
Summary: With his true power, Yusuke pummels Toguro, who is excited at the prospect of this new challenge. With one Spirit Gun blast left, the two prepare for a final showdown.
最後のフルパワー!! (Saigo no Furu-Pawaa!!)
The Final Full Power!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #13, 1993 (March 15)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): chapter 64 (January 22, 1994)
Summary: Toguro manages to block Yusuke’s final Spirit Gun with “100% of 100%” of his power, but dies from the strain. Yusuke is declared the winner.
一番の望み!! (Ichiban no Nozomi!!)
His #1 Desire!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #14, 1993 (March 22)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 65 (January 29, 1994)
Summary: Yusuke’s team has won the tournament. Sakyo blows up the stadium, killing himself, but the gang escapes. Yusuke declares to Genkai that he’s won.
戸愚呂の償い!! (Toguro no Tsugunai!!)
Toguro’s Atonement!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #15, 1993 (March 29)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 66 (February 5, 1994)
Summary: In the afterlife, Toguro opts to go to the worst of hells, and bids Genkai farewell. Koenma reveals why Toguro turned evil. As the gang leaves the island, Genkai returns to life.
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