Monday, October 17, 2011

Manga Chapter Guide: DT 4th Round


[4. 4th ROUND]
Chapters: 75-87 (13 chapters)
Equivalent episodes: 43-50 (8 episodes)
Ratio: 1.63 chapters per episode

Chapter info after the jump.

霊界獣出現!! (Reikai-juu Shutsugen!!)
The Spirit World Beast Appears!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #27, 1992 (June 22)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 42 (August 7, 1993), episode 43 (August 14, 1993)
Summary: Yusuke and Keiko get some time alone (mostly). Yusuke’s egg from the beginning of the series hatches into a creature dubbed “Puu”. Hiei and Kurama observe their next opponents, the Ura-Otogi Team.

覆面の下の素顔 (Fukumen no Shita no Sugao)
The Face Beneath the Mask
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #28, 1992 (June 29)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 43 (August 14, 1993)
Summary: The Go-Renja Team is set to fight Toguro’s team in the semi-finals. Mask is Genkai after all (she regains her youth during battle). She will now give Yusuke his final test.

最大の試練!! (Saidai no Shiren!!)
The Greatest Trial!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #29, 1992 (July 6)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 44 (August 21, 1993)
Summary: Genkai asks Yusuke to kill her, but he can’t bring himself to. Having passed that test, Yusuke begins a painful ordeal to inherit Genkai’s power.

四強そろう!! (Yonkyou Sorou!!)
The Final Four are All Here!!
Pages: 20 (3 full color, 17 limited color palette)
Published: WSJ #30, 1992 (July 13)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 44 (August 21, 1993)
Summary: A crowd gathers for the semi-finals. The gang starts fighting the Ura-Otogi Team without Yusuke or Mask. Hiei quickly kills the first opponent, Ma-Kintaro.

飛影連戦!! (Hiei Rensen!!)
Hiei Fights Back-to-Back!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #31, 1992 (July 20)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 45 (August 28, 1993)
Summary: Yusuke’s ordeal continues. Hiei fights Kuro-Momotaro, who gains immunity to any attack he endures. His sword now useless, Hiei promises to use his fire techniques.

無敵・武獣装甲!! (MutekiBujuu-Soukou!!)
The Invincible Buju-Soko!!
Pages:  19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #32, 1992 (July 27)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 45 (August 28, 1993), episode 46 (September 4, 1993)
Summary: Kuro-Momotaro becomes impervious to Hiei’s fire techniques. Cornered, Hiei invents a new technique, similar to Kuwabara’s Spirit Sword, and kills him.

玉手箱が開く時!! (Tamate-Bako ga Hiraku Toki!!)
When the Tamate-Bako Opens!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #33, 1992 (August 3)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 46 (September 4, 1993)
Summary: Kurama fights Ura-Urashima, who uses his Reverse Tamate-Bako to try and revert him back to a fetus. Kurama instead returns to his Yoko form, powering up immensely.

目ざめた妖狐!! (Mezameta Youko!!)
The Yoko’s Awakened!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #34, 1992 (August 10)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 47 (September 11, 1993)
Summary: Terrified, Ura-Urashima reveals his secrets, and is killed by his teammate. Kurama returns to normal. With Puu’s help Yusuke survives his ordeal.

妖技・死々若丸!! (YougiShishi-Wakamaru!!)
Spectral Technician: Shishi-Wakamaru!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #35, 1992 (August 17)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 48 (September 18, 1993)
Summary: With a free choice of who goes next, Kuwabara opts to fight Shishi-Wakamaru, but loses by being teleported from the ring.

正体判明!! (Shoutai Hanmei!!)
Identity Revealed!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #36-37, 1992 (August 24)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 48 (September 18, 1993)
Summary: Next to fight is Mask, who arrives, but is weak after giving her power to Yusuke. Toguro reveals her identity to everyone. Outside, Kuwabara and co. find the sleeping Yusuke.

死霊の呼び声!! (Shiryou no Yobi-Goe!!)
Call of the Death-Spirits!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #38, 1992 (September 7)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 49 (September 25, 1993)
Summary: Toguro, who seems to know Genkai, says she will die before the finals. Mask/Genkai beats Shishi-Wakamaru by deflecting his own technique back at him.

敵将・怨爺!! (TekishouOnji!!)
Enemy General: Onji!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #39, 1992 (September 14)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 49 (September 25, 1993), episode 50 (October 2, 1993)
Summary: Keiko is left with the sleeping Yusuke, and is saved from demons by Jin and co. Kuwabara fights team boss Onji, but loses. Stepping up, Genkai says Onji isn’t who he seems.

千の顔を持つ男!! (Sen no Kao wo Motsu Otoko!!)
The Man with a Thousand Faces!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #40, 1992 (September 21)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 50 (October 2, 1993)
Summary: Onji isn’t an old man, but a clown named Suzuki who aspires to kill Genkai and become a legend. Genkai easily beats him with only her bare hands.

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