Monday, October 17, 2011

Manga Chapter Guide: 4D Mansion


Chapters: 113-119 (7 chapters)
Equivalent episodes: 67-71 (5 episodes)
Ratio: 1.4 chapters per episode

Chapter info after the jump.

領域にようこそ!! (“Teritorii” ni Youkoso!!)
Welcome to our “Territory”!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #16, 1993 (April 5)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 67 (February 12, 1994)
Summary: Something new is up in the Human World, and demons aren’t to blame. Yusuke learns that Genkai’s revival was thanks to Toguro’s plan, then gets kidnapped by 3 humans.

奇妙な能力!! (Kimyou-na Nouryoku!!)
Strange Abilities!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #17, 1993 (April 12)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 67 (February 12, 1994), episode 68 (February 19, 1994)
Summary: Botan and Kuwabara gather Kurama and Hiei to go save Yusuke. They confront the first of Yusuke’s kidnappers, Yu Kaito, who steals Hiei’s soul when he says “hot”.

「禁句」の能力!! (Tabuuno Nouryoku!!)
The “Taboo” Ability!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #18, 1993 (April 19)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 69 (February 26, 1994)
Summary: Yu can steal the souls of those who say whatever taboo word he picks. Soon, everyone but Kurama falls victim to Yu, and the two begin a battle of wits.

「禁句」は一文字!! (Tabuuwa Hitomoji!!)
The “Taboo” Is a Single Letter!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #19, 1993 (April 26)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 69 (February 26, 1994)
Summary: Kurama challenges Yu to let him pick a new taboo, which he’ll get Yu to say in 45 minutes. Kurama wins, and everyone’s souls are returned.

残る二人の能力!! (Nokoru Futari no Nouryoku!!)
The Remaining Two’s Abilities!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #20, 1993 (May 3)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 70 (March 5, 1994)
Summary: Yusuke must determine which of his friends is actually Mitsunari Yanagisawa using his “Copy” ability (it’s Kuwabara). Beaten, the abductors reveal their boss.

遺志を継ぐ奴等!! (Ishi wo Tsugu Yatsu-ra!!)
Those Who Carry On His Last Wish!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #21-22, 1993 (May 10)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 70 (March 5, 1994), episode 71 (March 12, 1994)
Summary: The boss: Genkai. Everything was just her test. Someone is opening a Demon World portal, creating odd abilities in humans, and eventually unstoppable demons will invade the Human World.

虎穴に入らずんば…!! (Koketsu ni Irazunba…!!)
Nothing Ventured…!!
Pages: 19 (all black and white)
Published: WSJ #23, 1993 (May 24)
Equivalent Anime Episode(s): episode 71 (March 12, 1994), episode 72 (March 19, 1994)
Summary: The portal is in Mushiyori City, and will fully open in 3 weeks. The group (sans Hiei) start investigating to stop it, and discover someone else with an ability.

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