恐るべき真実!新たな謎 (Osorobeki Shinjitsu! Arata-naru Nazo)
The Terrifying Truth! A New Mystery
First Broadcast: March 5, 1994
Equivalent Manga Chapter(s): chapter 117 (WSJ #20, 1993, May 3), first half of chapter 118 (WSJ #21-22, 1993, May 10)
Summary: For the final challenge, Yusuke must determine which of his friends is actually Mitsunari Yanagisawa using his “Copy” ability. Yusuke correctly settles on Kuwabara, though for questionable reasons. Beaten, the abductors reveal their boss: Genkai. Everything was just her test, to teach Yusuke and co. how to handle opponents with strange abilities. Someone is taking up Sakyo’s quest to open a portal to the Demon World, and the sudden appearance of odd abilities in humans is actually a side-effect of this.
Anime/manga differences after the jump.